Reprogramming is the act of changing a pattern or program of thought, behavior, perception, or even physical conditioning for another more desirable pattern.
CH1 P1 Goals of Reprogramming
FREE PREVIEWCH1 P2 A New Perception of Yourself
CH1 P3 Meditation techniques
CH1 P3 (continued) How the Perception Chart Works
CH1 P4 Closing and Transcending Life Chapters
CH1 P4 (continued) Levels of Internalization of an Experience
CH1 P5 Foods to Develop Inner Connectedness
CH2 P6 Initiation into Reprogramming
CH2 P7 Detaching from Limiting Identities and Roles
CH3 P8 Communicating with Your Body
CH3 P9 Activating Your Energy centers
CH3 P10 Keys to Release Old Patterns Part 1
CH3 P10 Keys to Release Old Patterns Part II
CH3 P11 Keys to Create New Patterns
CH3 P12 Methods to Release Patterns Triggered by Images and Memories
CH4 P13 Permissions vs. Limitations How Perception is Formed
CH4 P14 Removing Blockages
CH4 P15 Time and Space Patterns
CH4 P15 Practice
CH4 P 16 Oneness
CH5 P 17 Implanting Physical Patterns
CH5 P 18 Reaching Awareness Through Serotonin
CH5 P19 Reaching Awareness Through Adrenaline